Monday, December 2, 2013

iTeacher on iMovie

“We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world.”
~ David Warlick

Times have changed. . . I still remember my first experience with a computer while I was in what would be consider junior high or middle school.  Our school was still referred to as the elementary school but it housed all from kindergarten through 8th grade.  I remember those large floppy disks and the fashionable green font with a solid black monitor color.  Those were the days when students had to learn command prompts in order to do just basic computer tasks.  Even in high school I still had an old style typewriter that I would type my papers for class.  It was not until a family friend gave us an older computer while up dating their work office that we had actual access to a computer for doing homework or research online for school.  We still had to rely on going to the local library to pull hard copies of anything we would need for class research.  Oh how times have changed. . . and with changing times teachers must change as well. . . 

Teachers now must alter to iTeachers.  Technology is now expected to be readily available to all students.  It appears that what we once considered rare privileged access is now considered every day practice.  Students now must understand how to use technology at a greater level of detail before even entering college.  The days of dogs eating your homework have now passed and now we are entering the dilemmas of power outages, internet failures, printer errors or running out of printer ink. . . What other dilemmas may iTeachers now face. . . 

Well iTeachers now need to be skilled in using software that is much different then what we had originally learned for ourselves.  While working on the iMovie project I came to learn how different a new version of the same software can still present new errors.  I worked on my project in windows movie maker, but while using the iMovie software in case it seems that the Mac software was much easier to use then the latest edition of movie maker that my current laptop has on it.  It is amazing how different my current edition is in difference then the last version that my last laptop had on it.  With this being said I think it is very important for teachers to know what their machine will have in their classroom.

I truly think the only way for Teachers to fully be able to reach students is to become iTeachers and learn the latest in technology for use in their classrooms.  If we can't understand new software or current technology trends then how can we expect students to focus in class when they may feel like they are already smarter then their Teacher?        

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